Gorgeous Large Mixed Bouquet or Divine Dahlia Bouquet and a Free Posy of Zinnias with a sprig or two of fragrant Basil. Zinnia represents "kind thoughts of absent friends", Basil represents "best wishes".
Buy One bouquet, Get One free* to give or keep for yourself! Everyone loves flowers :)
*Flowers may vary from those in photo.
Bogo Tuesday Special
We will package and deliver your Bouquet responsibly into a container/vase of water on a covered area on your porch.Delivery will be made on Tuesday afternoon after 2:00pm. Please leave a container/vase of water on covered porch for us to deliver into.
Please let us know if you have any special considerations for delivery, ie delivery to a friend, parent, nursing home, other loved ones. You can enter this special information in with the cell number in the cell number box. If you have any other concerns, please contact us.